Monday, September 30, 2019

Vacant Chapter 10 Decision

When I finally look at the clock, I notice it's been seven hours since I ran out on Emily and my feelings. As I look out in front of me, the gray asphalt blurring with yellow and white lines, I make the decision to keep going. I don't want to be the one to ruin her. No matter how far I drive, I come to the same conclusion over and over again. I must have given Emily some sign of my feelings for her. It was never my intention. I'm a stock boy at a grocery store. She needs someone to take care of her†¦buy her all the things she's never had. She doesn't need an orphaned schmuck with less money than common sense. Usually, forty-eight hours doesn't seem like a whole lot. However, it's the longest I've been away from Emily in the time I've known her. It's hard for me to believe I've only known her such a short time because she's my whole life. How can your whole life be consumed by one person you haven't known your entire life? Since I don't know the answer to that, I keep driving. It's Friday the 13th. I hadn't actually realized it until I stopped for gas, and the lady in front of me was writing a check. She asked what the date was. The attendant answered her in a gleeful, yet macabre tone. Can one celebrate Friday the 13th? If today is the thirteenth though, that means I've been sleeping in my car for six days. Six days without her beautiful eyes. Six days without hearing the slight lilt in her voice. Six days since she told me she loved me, and I left her – like a thief in the night. Six days of thinking about kissing, touching and holding Emily. It's the only thing I've thought about. Suddenly, it hits me: I know exactly what the raccoon from yesterday felt like as the wheels of the truck ahead of me rolled over him crushing him from the outside in.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Project Management Sample Assignment Essay

The Association for Project Management (APM) suggests that the project business case provides justification for undertaking a project by evaluating benefit, cost and alternative options. The main purpose is to obtain approval and commitment for investment in the project (Association for Project Management 2006, p.129 and MGT8022, USQ 2013). According to Project Management Institute (PMBOK, PMI 2013), the business case describes information from a business standpoint to determine whether or not the project is worth of investment. It is used as a decision making tool by senior leadership. Based on the above, US Toys business case (attached as Appendix I) is being examined with a review of process and process control, project management literature and project management framework. According to Turner (2009), performance improvement can come from sources like operational efficiency, organization effectiveness or higher order strategic issues due to changes in technology or overall busine ss strategy. New capabilities will not solve the problems blocking performance improvement directly but rather it is necessary to achieve intermediate benefits before realizing the main benefit. It is evident from the business case that US Toys has purchased a software solution called Demand Chain Management whose full benefit will be show-caused by integrating it with its legacy warehouse management system. During initial planning phases, appropriate team members or groups should be involved so that they contribute and create auxiliary ideas (Young 2006). Key components of business case like project purpose, objectives and success criteria were established, US Toys business case misses on holistic identification of stakeholders and other critical components. Business case is a recommendation to take a particular course of action supported by benefits, costs and risks analysis (Journal reference). Critical elements of a business case applied to the case scenario are summarized in the following table DefinitionDiscussionUS Toys Business caseA business case should be a recommendationRecommendation should have finely balanced options providing purpose and direction.Business case lists two cost impact options with a nothing option to continue current processes. However, it does not list supporting analysis on why option 3 is recommended. Providing supporting analysis of benefits with the option will influence business decision.For the organisationA business case is worth for significant projects in organisationBusiness case pertains to increased  operational efficiency and hence it is a significant project for the organisation.Supported by analysis of benefitsBusiness case requires exegesis of strategic rationale as well as more detailed, systematic analysis of benefitsUS Toys business case lists options but lacks systematic analysis and strategic rationale.CostsCost estimation is the difficult aspect in a business case but without it, the case cannot be madeCost estimates provided in the business case appear to be high level. It would be good if Return on Investment (ROI) and break even duration are provided as an additional supporting analysis.RisksProjects involve risks and understanding and taking ownership of risk is an essential part of a business caseUpon evaluation, US Toys business does not have risk manag ement process or risk scoring methodology. (Adapted from Gambler 2009, Making the business case Table 1.1 on page 2). Upon review of US Toys business case, it is evident that the enhancements to the existing Warehouse Management System are undertaken for achieving operational efficiency and technology as depicted in below figure. Figure Achieving performance improvement (Adapted from Turner, 2009, Chapter 2 figure 2.2) The targeted benefits lists operational efficiency and leveraging new technology in the form of interfaces to purchased package solution. From the above figure, it is evident that performance is directly proportional to the time involved. The higher the targeted performance the more time required. However, US Toys Business case has not included duration of the project. One of the key definition of project is a project will have definite start and end time in other words a fixed duration during which resources, tools and organizational efficiencies are logically grouped to achieve an agreed upon outcomes. The business case provides a consolidated and summary-level overview of the proje ct. It should address objectives, critical success factors, and communication plan and measurement framework to measure the work being undertaken. It will form the baseline from which the project planning can proceed (MGT8022, USQ 2013) The more formal business case contains more quantitative information for decision making purposes. Applying these principles to US Toys Business case, it is evident that it does not include detailed quantitative information. Though SOWT/TOWS analysis has been included in the Appendix, it does not cross reference to the main objectives of the purpose. While presenting the business case to  the stakeholders, it is imperative to talk about key strengths of the organization and how they can be leveraged to overcome the weaknesses or to exploit opportunities for the benefit of the organization. In addition to this, benefit analysis is shown for the option being recommended. This gives an impression of being forced to take that option instead of recommendation. By including benefit analysis for the option 2 outright purchase of a pre-packaged application, business case would have provided a comparison for the stakeholders in taking an informed decision. Upon review of US Toys business case, it is evident that risk assessment involves continuous monitoring and assessment ongoing basis. It would be beneficial to use spiral model for the proposed solution. By clarifying on the future risks unknown at the point will be known in the course of time during project execution. This provides a framework to manage risks. Figure (Adapted from Turner, 2009 The Spiral Model Chapter 11, figure 11.3) As depicted in the above figure, by advising an appropriate model like spiral model, will provide a framework of project management methodology being followed for the proposed project. This will clarify to the decision makers that process of risk assessment is continuous and does not end with those listed in the business case. As the project progresses, a mechanism is in place to identify risks and appropriate risk response planning is incorporated. According to Turner (2009), projects has three levels of planning the integrative level, the strategic level and tactical level. The business case would have presented with greater value by defining the objectives at the above three levels like efficiency improvement as strategic level, achieving integration of Warehouse Management System with the recently procured Demand Chain Management system as integration level and reduced cycle times in supply chain as tacti cal level. The summarized objectives as listed in the following table will be value-add to the business case. LevelObjective of the proposed projectStrategicWarehouse operational efficiency improvementTacticalReduced cycle times in replenishment of stock at stores country-wideIntegrativeSynergy by integrating with Demand Chain Management system Based on the above analysis, it is recommended for all future projects, US Toys project management team should employ a systematic project management processes in addressing their deficiencies particularly financials and controls analysis in the formation of business case. The  successful project deliverables are dependable upon system thinking approach involving people, structures and application of processes. It is also recommended that to provide an assessment of the Project/Stakeholder relationships to have a better understanding of relationships. References Archibald, R 1992, Managing high technology programs and projects, 2nd edn, John Wiley, New York, USA. Gambles, I 2009, Making the business case proposals that succeed for projects that wo rk, Ashgate, Farnham, UK, pp. 1-20. Gardiner, PD 2005, Project Management A Strategic Planning Approach, Palgrave Macmillan, New York MGT8022 Project-based management, Study book -University of Southern Queensland, 2013. PMI 2013, A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK Guide), 5th edn, Project Management Institute, Newtown Square, Pennsylvania. Turner, RJ 2009, The handbook of project-based management Leading strategic change inorganisations, 3rd edn, McGraw Hill, New York Young, TL 2006, Successful Project Management, 2nd edn, Kogan Page Limited, London. APPENDIX – I US Toys – BUSINESS CASE Introduction US Toys is a leading seller of Toys merchandise in the world with 700 plus stores in United States and 900 plus international stores located in United Kingdom, Canada, Mexico, Germany, France, Spain, Australia, Hong Kong, China and Japan. This business case is for proposed enhancements to current Warehouse Management System for increased operational efficiency. Demand Chain Management (DCM) is a Teradata product currently employed by the US business to control inventory flow from the vendor-to-DC (Distribution Centre) and DC-to-store. DCM supports the full automation of these functions by utilizing the RDF (Retail Demand Forecast) forecast and applying proactive inventory management policies. Included in sc ope for the DCM project are enhancements to the International Warehouse Management System (WMS) to enable to efficiently process store replenishment orders generated by DCM. Overview Vision To ship less quantity of an item to stores but more frequently and ensure that forecasted demand (from RDF) is covered, as well as minimum shelf stock (MSS). Organisational Objective US Toys is restructuring its business operations for cost effectiveness and has set a target of improving operational efficiency by 10 by year 2014. By shipping less quantity but frequently will result in reduced idle inventory in stores and distribution centres. Business Case Purpose of Business case DCM will generate new SOQs (Store Order Quantity) each day that will be used  to pull goods from DCs to Stores as needed, based on the sales demand forecast from RDF. Instead of processing a large batch of Transfers early in the week, the DCs workload will likely adjust so that smaller waves are processed each day for stores that have a scheduled delivery (Appendix C System Flow). Maximize cross dock ability (to ship the goods to stores, which have been received by Distribution Centre on the same day hence eliminating storage space and effort for put away operations (Appendix C System Flow). Business Case Sponsor This business case is sponsored by Senior Vice President Merchandising Senior Vice President Purchasing Situational Assessment and Problem Statement Current process and its limitations when compared to the proposed solution can be summarized in the following table Operational Process/AttributeCurrent ProcessProposed SolutionFrequencyStores get shipment from DC once in a week which is resulting in huge costs in terms of trailers, labour and storage (floor area)Instead of processing a large batch of Transfers early in the week, DCs workload will likely adjust so that smaller waves are processed each day for stores that have a scheduled delivery.User InterfaceCurrent process has to be run from a legacy terminal and maintenance of these terminals is cost intensive.A new web interface is being proposed for the DC to use to plan and create waves that will process both Transfers and Receivers from Interactive Transfers System (existing Legacy system), as well as SOQs f rom DCM. By having a web interface, wave can be planned and process from any system (like PC or Laptop) instead of current use of legacy terminalsCross Dock EfficiencyCurrently receivers (shipment from vendors) and transfers (shipment from DC to stores) are run independently. This limits cross dock ability.To maximize cross-dock, daily receipts will be processed for all stores, each day. PrioritizationCurrent process does take into account trailer capacity. This results in shipping those goods which are not required immediately. Goods which are required urgently are put onto next trailer which results in a weeks delay.Service Level Maintenance is being proposed through a web interface which will be used as input in generating the wave. If a trailer does not have capacity, low priority goods will be excluded from that days shipment and will be included in subsequent wave.Optimize Case PickCurrent transfer system does not optimize case picks (where a carton has to be opened and ship said individual pieces).The  proposed system will utilize current and future needs of a store for optimizing the case picks to a full carton thereby case pick operation is optimized. Assumptions and Constraints Based on SWOT/TOWS analysis as listed in Appendix A, following assumptions and constraints have been summarised. Assumption DCM system is live and in use before building the propos ed system. All web interfaces are being developed for Internet Explorer browser. Proposed enhancements are for International Warehouse Management System and do not include domestic transfers/receipts. Any customisation to DCM is not included in the current scope. Constraints Proposed enhancements will handle multiple distribution centres within a country. Cross country transfers are not possible. Identification and Analysis of Options Identification of Options Following options are available to the organization Option 1Do nothing Option 2Purchase packed Warehouse Management System and interface with Demand Chain Management system. Option 3Enhance the current in-house developed Warehouse Management System. Comparison of Options Key parameter comparison of options is summarized as CriteriaOption 1Option 2Option 3CostNothingUS 1.5 million plus recurring license fee of US 7,500 per instance if purchased instance basis or 25,000 enterprise wide.US 0.5 million and no on-going costs as current support teams can support the enhanced system.HardwareNot applicableServer Infrastructure need to be upgraded costing US 1 million.None as Current infrastructure can handle the enhancements.Benefits to PurchasingNot applicableIntegrated packaged solution will benefit purchasing in making purchasing decisions based on actual stock in DC stores and forecasted demand. Enhanced Warehouse Management System is integrated with DCM thus providing enhanced abilities to make purchasing decision.Benefits to MerchandisingNot applicableOff the shelf package require customization to enable Merchandising to integrate with current legacy systems.Ability to run transfers/receipts on daily basis will result in efficient use of Distribution Centre floor space, trailers and labour. Recommended Option Based on the comparison and benefit analysis in Appendix B, Option 3 Enhancements to Warehouse Management system is recommended for the organization at this point in time. Implementation Strategy Based on the details explained in section 6, Enhancements to Warehouse Management System is scoped as below Project Title Project is being name as iWMS Internet  enabled Warehouse Management System Target Benefits Web Interface to plan and create waves to process transfers and receipts. Web interface to maintain service levels for inventory (Prioritization) Optimized case p ick and re-packing Outputs Browser based interactive screen to process transfers and receipts. Integration with DCM system to update replenishment information for future demand forecasting. Budget Cost break down of Option 3 Enhancements to Warehouse Management System. ActivityEstimated Cost (in US Dollars)Initiation and planning25,000Development Costs300,000Testing Unit and integration25,000Implementation Costs including documentation, training and travel.150,000 Appendix A SWOT/TOWS Analysis Strengths-SWeakness-W1. Brand Value1. Inefficient use of floor space in DC.2. Quality Processes2. Delay in shipping high priority goods to stores3. Own trailers3. Stock out in stores even if the stock is in DCO-OpportunitiesSO – StrategiesWO- Strategies1. Efficient Cross Dock Ability1. By cross docking receipts will improve Distribution Centre floor space and stock the goods for seasonal demands.(S2/O1)1. Increase efficiency in customer communication by several mediums like social media and internet (W1, W3, O1)2. Web Interface2. Flexibility to run waves either from PC or Laptop S2,S3/O22. Provide fuel efficient means to process transfers/receipts (W1.O2)3. Prioritisation3. By prioritizing goods, high priority goods are delivered to stores just in time (JIT) – S1,S2, S3/O33. Prioritization of goods will result in efficient trailer utilization (W1, W2, O1,O2, O3)T-ThreatsST – StrategiesWT – Strategies1. Increasing Competition1. By scheduling trailers like small or medium instead of standard 18 wheelers result in fuel efficiency (S2,S3,T1,T2, T3)1. Implementing lean, Kanban quality processes to reduce non-value add processes. (W1, T3, T1)2. Increasing fuel costs2. Focus on selected market segment for long term growth and market penetration (S1,S3, T2, T1)2. With high service quality and shelfs full of products, reduce the risk of losing customers (W1, W2, T1, T3)3.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Read the passage and answer the question referring to the text Essay

Read the passage and answer the question referring to the text - Essay Example This study, therefore, seeks to explore on the methods used by Steinbeck to illustrate the character plan. From the article, it is clear that the character demonstrate a belief in their dreams. The supporting statement here is the use of the repetitive futuristic article will. For instance, use of the words such as, we will fix up the old place, and then we will go live there. Will is a future simple tense that illustrates the affirmative nature of something. The personal pronoun we, makes it inclusive in the team effort that the dream will come true1. The article will, contrasts to would, initially used to talk about the dream, thus emphasizing the shift to a belief. Secondly, George shows excitement as the dream transforms into a plan. The evident to the above underlying fact is in the use of polysyndeton ‘an’. The articles use the word such as I would get a job and makeup the res, and you could sell eggs and stuff like that. Throughout the article, the use of polysyndeton increases pace revealing the belief of George to his vision. The use of such words portrays events that will happen in the future. Another point is the existence of polysyndeton of contrast with short sentences that follow each other. The short sentences lead to the comprehension that the thing they had not believed in was turning out to be a reality. Short sentences enhance slow pace, portraying the dream as a revelation of the truth. Contrast of the past view that is never had, with the true future is evident. Closely linked with the above point is the fact that George’s attitude is changing from disbelief and negativity into that of positivity. The use of adverbs to describe his manner, like reverently, wonderingly, and softly contrast with disgustedly2. The above factors reveals his change in temperament of his belief as an element of positivity. Reverently portrays faith while softly

Friday, September 27, 2019

Discussion Question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 15

Discussion Question - Assignment Example public health is the prevention, cure, and control of infectious diseases, improved sanitation, and reduced incidences of cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis, and sexually transmitted diseases (Novick, Morrow, & Mays, 2008). All these public health components are accounted for by the fifth great public health achievement in the textbook. This achievement has gone a long way in transforming the face of the contemporary society. Preventative and curative measures are in place to manage, control, and oversee public health development. On the same note, improved sanitation translates to a better quality of life. When the society leads a healthy life, there is less likelihood of public health crisis. This achievement, therefore, averts public health crisis by empowering the society to take control of its welfare. In conclusion, the above achievement is great because it accounts for the most basic components of a healthy society. Food, water, and shelter are influential as far as public health is concerned. With improved sanitation and reduced disease incidences in the society, people’s overall lifestyles exhibit high quality practices. This is undoubtedly a great achievement in the public health

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The story about my friend Ali Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The story about my friend Ali - Essay Example Soon though, my family, including myself, relocated to the United States of America, and at that time, I was apprehensive of the relationship that shared with Ali. Until the time that we were together, things were good for us however, we had never given any thought to what life would be like without the other person around. We did not realise that we had grown so close to each other that it was impossible to spend some time apart. As Ali and I both entered our teens, we used to spend nights talking to each other on the phone, and our parents and friends knew that there was something special between us. I, however, remained naive to that fact and would take all my problems to Ali. He would answer patiently, â€Å"Look inside yourself, you’ll find the answer soon.† So when it was time to move, I asked him, â€Å"What will happen to us?† and I recall that he said the same thing, in the calmest manner possible. Fortunately, Ali and I did not have to grow apart becaus e he soon followed me to America, but to fulfil his dreams of becoming a medical surgeon. I was overjoyed that Ali would once again be by my side, but despite the closeness being reinstated, I always felt that Ali thought of me as his little sister. That was what I told myself when he was always nice to me. This was probably because I felt this way about all my other male friends too and did not know how to think differently of him even though I always knew that he and I shared something completely out of the ordinary with each other.... Till the time that we were together, things were good for us however, we had never given any thought to what life would be like without the other person around. We did not realise that we had grown so close to each other that it was impossible to spend some time apart. As Ali and I both entered our teens, we used to spend nights talking to each other on the phone, and our parents and friends knew that there was something special between us. I however, remained naive to that fact and would take all my problems to Ali. He would answer patiently, â€Å"Look inside yourself, you’ll find the answer soon.† So when it was time to move, I asked him, â€Å"What will happen to us?† and I recall that he said the same thing, in the calmest manner possible. Fortunately, Ali and I did not have to grow apart because he soon followed me to America, but to fulfil his dreams of becoming a medical surgeon. I was overjoyed that Ali would once again be by my side, but despite the clo seness being reinstated, I always felt that Ali thought of me as his little sister. That was what I told myself when he was always nice to me. This was probably because I felt this way about all my other male friends too and did not know how to think differently of him even though I always knew that he and I shared something completely out of the ordinary with each other. I never bothered to segregate the relationship that I shared with Ali into something different than what I had for everyone else around me. Soon, the time came for Ali to express himself to my friends by telling them the inevitable – the fact that he had feelings for me. My friends, Natasha and Rustam, however always knew this to be true because they knew about our history together and how he was

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Reading Books Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reading Books - Essay Example se is recommended because reading books to others has positive effects on children’s academic performance, books are a permanent and ever-lasting source of information, and reading books spurs imagination and creativity in the reader. One of the benefits of reading books is that when they are read to the infants, their communication skills are developed and their concepts of emotions, shapes, and colors are improved. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) research found out that children whose parents read with the children frequently during their first school year have long-lasting positive effects on their reading abilities (â€Å"Reading to children†). â€Å"What kinds of investments should we be making to help these kids get ahead?...The results of this study indicate that getting some books into their homes is an inexpensive way that we can help these children succeed† (Evans cited in â€Å"Resources, Reports and†). One factor that provides books with an edge over other sources of information is their permanence. Books, once written, become permanent. They are not websites or blogs that keep changing or modifying or even inaccessible with the passage of time. This is why â€Å"selecting books to support readers’ abilities benefits teachers and children alike so long as teachers make decisions within and beyond leveled books based upon their understanding of students’ interests and capabilities† (Szymusiak, Sibberson, and Koch 11). Many people in the present age consider television a more interacting, engaging, and informative source as compared to reading books, though this is not entirely and always true. On one hand, television provides the audience with a colorful motion picture; on the other hand, books make the readers think imaginatively since they have to assume the looks of characters, the background, and the specific details of the story like the characters’ homes and other places. Another very important benefit of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

750 words essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

750 words - Essay Example Buddhism summarizes a spiritual life in four tenets. This entails the truth of suffering, the truth of the reason for suffering, the truth of suffering’s end, the truth of the path that leads towards enlightenment. The first tenet means that life must always possess suffering. In turn, suffering is an inalienable part of life that individuals should not hold as strange. Acceptance of suffering does not connote nihilism, but acceptance of the world as it occurs. In such a pragmatic frame, the individual learns how one can rectify the problem of suffering. The religion does not deny the concept of pleasure, but classifies the same as a fleeting value (Ganeri 67). This also applies to happiness, which is a monetary feeling. In the end, sickness, aging, and death are the only inevitable elements. The second truth deals with the cause of suffering. The Buddha states that desire and ignorance are the two main causes of suffering. Desire relates to pursuit for pleasure, material thin gs, and immortality. Since these wants are insatiable, desiring them fuels suffering in people. Ignorance, on the other hand, refers to not perceiving the world as it occurs. When an individual lacks insight and foresight, the mind remains static since it is unable to perceive the true nature of life. Buddhism emphasizes on the mind as the principal precept for attaining Nirvana. This is because the mind is essential in controlling desires and emotions. The texts liken this principle to the act of herding an ox such that it does not stray into other people’s farms. Buddhism recognizes that the senses may become uncontrollable if the individual does not chain them with one’s mind. In this view, indulgence in desires and limited application of the mind in life suffocates the spirituality of a person. Buddhism emphasizes on the need for learning in order to achieve enlightenment. When a person is born,

Monday, September 23, 2019

The propinquity of exploratory history and anecdotal history Essay

The propinquity of exploratory history and anecdotal history - Essay Example History can never express the last word, as it must be revamped, reevaluated with the expansion of new encounters and new viewpoints (Hall and Du Gay, p 12). Today Aristotle's perceptions are acknowledged with some reservation. In the event that history is the past's vocalization, then it contacts us through various types of determined realities that must rely on upon memory, and memory by nature approves vacuity (Adhikari, p. 45). Regardless of the historiographers' honorable endeavors in the nineteenth century, it has not been conceivable to separate all ties from narrating. The rebuilding activity of the past is as much a demonstration of creative ability as it is of recognition. Conceivable reports should be made to connect clear crevices. This is not an assault of history, but rather a liberal demonstration to give believability and congruity to it. The effect of history is at last through words. Be that as it may, words never introduce total implications; words keep on changing in connection to different words. An artistic student of history more than an exploratory antiquarian is persuaded of the obstinacy and delicacy of reality spoke to through words. Energy about the scholarly parts of history adds new measurements to our comprehension of it (Adhikari, p. 46). History can never be absolutely target as the antiquarian's subjective judgment is unequivocal (Adhikari, p. 48). The antiquarian has the privilege to request that in this appreciation he is not judged uniquely in contrast to the craftsman.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Creative Technology entry in the US market. Political factors that can affect its operations Essay Example for Free

Creative Technology entry in the US market. Political factors that can affect its operations Essay Introduction There are various political factors that can affect the operation of the Creative Technology in the US market.   First the company will be required to comply with the various government regulations that affect the pricing and the entire production process. The company also needs to comply with the various tax systems that are present in the American economy ( Donici, Maha, Ignat Maha,2012).   In addition the company is also required to comply with the various trading agreement of the companies that operate in the industry. The US government is also known to have to have minimum intervention on the business which will in turn help to ensure that the business is able to achieve its objective (Shaw, 2007).   The political stability currently enjoyed by the US government will also play a critical role in helping to ensure the company achieves its strategic growth objective in the US market. Domestic approach that might change Building a strong brand The company need first ensure that it concentrate on building a strong brand in the US market. Though building a strong brand the company can therefore be able to achieve to capture the interest of the consumer and therefore ensure the company achieves its strategic growth objectives. According to Ryan Jones (2012) building a strong brand can help to create the necessary emotional connections with the target consumers. Most importantly building a strong brand will help the company to compete with some of the companies that are leading in the sale of the earphone in the US market. Adopting online sales and marketing Online sales and marketing is current becoming one of the most important factors that helps to ensure that various business survive in US domestic market ( Donici et al.,2012). There is therefore need for the company to adopt the online sales and marking strategies in order to ensure it reaches its target consumers. In this case the company needs to set up a website that has an accurate reflection of the company goals and objectives. Reference Ryan, D., Jones, C. (2012). Understanding digital marketing: Marketing strategies for engaging the digital generation. Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page. DONICI, A., MAHA, A., IGNAT, I., MAHA, L. (2012). E-Commerce across United States of America: Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition, 15(1), 252-258. Shaw, S. (2007). Airline marketing and management. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Personal Change Essay Example for Free

Personal Change Essay Every day I hear people talking about how they do not like this or how they want to change that. Oddly enough, I do not often hear someone say I really need to make a personal change. The thought that people point fingers at others and take not fault weighted on my mind for quite a while. So I decided if I could change one thing about myself in a positive way, it would be to stop being so self-centered. This change would not only be beneficial to me, but also the people around me. They would be a lot happier around me, it would open my eyes to a new perspective on life as a whole, and last but not least, I would not be as irresponsible. From my experience nobody likes to be around a selfish inconsiderate person. Making this change in my life would transform me from that selfish guy, to a caring, considerate and positive individual. Socially my world would sky rocket almost instantly. When someone is fun and considerate, they are easy to be around. This means I would attract more people, which leads me to my next point. The more people we meet in life, the more we learn. I feel that if I do not meet new people and experience new things, I will have that same old one tract mind. It is ok to be wrong and do what someone else wants to do from time to time. This will allow me to explore not only the world differently, but myself as well. A basic outlook on life is the direct product of being self-centered and hard to be around. Part of having a new perspective means, seeing that my old self interpretation or old opinion of myself may change. Ultimately this could lead to me looking at how I act and do things honestly. After looking at myself and how I actually am, there is no doubt in my mind I would come to the conclusion that I am not the most responsible person in the world. As a result, the logical thing for me to do next is to fix that problem. If I were more responsible I could take a lot more control of my life. Open new doors for myself in my school life, work life, and social life. Responsibility is the glue that holds a successful life together . All I really want in the end is to be successful anyway, so being responsible would defiantly be a great trait to have. All in all the change to stop being so self-centered would only change my life for the better. I can not think of any other change that would benefit me more. So I say to myself and anyone who will listen â€Å"Don’t let yourself hold you back.†

Friday, September 20, 2019

Effectiveness of the Artificial Heart

Effectiveness of the Artificial Heart   Zeeshan Bhalwani   Artificial Heart The human heart is a wondrous structure of engineering. In the body of the average adult, the heart is the tenacious muscle that beats approximately 100,000 times each day, pumping blood through veins and arteries that extend upwards toward the brain and downwards towards the toes. It is no big surprise biomedical engineers have had a difficult time assembling a mechanical replica which is to function similarly as the heart and to keep patients with heart failure alive. Although comparative developments date back to the late 1940s, the first artificial heart was effectively implanted in a human was the Jarvik-7 in 1982, constructed by Willem Johan Kolff and Robert Jarvik (Strickland). The artificial heart is a prosthetic device that surgically replaces both ventricles and all valves of a heart used by adults with heart failure, and is becoming more prominent as innovation is advancing. Artificial hearts are normally used to delay the time to heart transplantation, or to indefinitely replace the heart in case heart transplantation is not possible. The most affluent impact of the artificial heart is that it saves over 5,000 lives every year (SynCardia). Additionally, this invention has had a beneficial impact on society because a fully functional artificial heart lowers the excessive need for heart transplants, since the demand for donor hearts surpasses supply. An example of someone who has been greatly assisted by the artificial heart is Pietro Zorzetto. He had an artificial heart in him for nearly four years, prior to his successful heart transplant on September 11, 2011 (Drumwright). Overall this device was of assistance to many people, but unfortunately there are also consequences that are turning up as progress is being made on the artificial heart. The consequences associated with the artificial heart are primarily unforeseen and bad, although little good can be seen. According to CardioWest, a certain artificial heart is designed to be attached to a power source outside the body through holes in the abdomen. These holes allow harmful bacteria getting inside the body which could potentially cause an infection. Additionally, since the mechanisms are so complex, they can malfunction in different ways. An artificial hearts pumping rate may not be exactly right, power may fail or parts altogether may stop working, which consequently would lead to sudden death. Another disadvantage of the artificial heart is that not all patients have a body size that allows the device to be implanted into the chest, making small people incapable of   receiving the device. As innovation is advancing and technology is progressing, these issues are beginning to diminish and new ways of developing the artificial heart are being introduced. According to MIT, the artificial heart is being enhanced to combine synthetic and biological materials as well as sensors and software to detect a patients level of exertion and adjust output accordingly. According to Carmat, a company concentrated on developing the latest bioprosthetic heart, it will comprise of two chambers each divided by a membrane which will hold hydraulic fluid. A motorized pump will move the fluid in and out of the chambers allowing the blood to flow through the chambers. The blood-facing side of the membrane is made of tissue procured from tissue that surrounds a cows heart, to make the device more biocompatible. The benefit of bioprosthetic hearts is they are not rejected by the bodys immune system. This is because they are made from metals and plastics, so the body does not recognize them as foreign and attack them in the same way it does with a manifold of living tissue. Furthermore, Pennsylvania State University researchers are developing a prosthetic hea rt powered by radio-frequency energy that is absorbed by the skin. Overall, these particular advancements are what will make the artificial heart sought-after. To conclude, heart failure is the leading cause of death all over the world. Most people die from the chambers of the heart failing to push enough blood through the body. A solution to heart failure was initially surfaced in the late 1960s. It had also required the advent of immunosuppressants. Around a decade later, the first successful artificial heart was developed and, the average survival rate of heart transplant patients increased to more than 5 years. The incessant furtherance of technology today will eventually lead to the creation of the perfect artificial heart and will be able to help every common man in need. Works Cited Advantages Disadvantages of the Artificial Heart. Health Guide Info. N.p., 07 Feb. 2011. Web. 09 Feb. 2017. Drumwright, Janelle. 7 Things About Artificial Hearts That You Should Know. 7 Things About Artificial Hearts That You Should Know. N.p., 2014. Web. 09 Feb. 2017. Eliza Strickland Posted 29 Dec 2016 | 14:00 GMT. Completely Artificial Hearts: Coming to a Chest Cavity Near You. IEEE Spectrum: Technology, Engineering, and Science News. N.p., 29 Dec. 2016. Web. 01 Mar. 2017. Medtronic. Benefits and Risks of Heart Valve Replacement. Medical Technology, Services, and Solutions Global Leader. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2017. Rojahn, Susan Young. The Latest Artificial Heart: Part Cow, Part Machine. MIT Technology Review. MIT Technology Review, 16 Mar. 2016. Web. 09 Feb. 2017. What Is a Total Artificial Heart? National Institutes of Health. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d. Web. 09 Feb. 2017.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Stonehenge :: essays research papers

I. On Salisbury Plain in Southern England stands Stonehenge, the most famous of all megalithic sites. Stonehenge is unique among the monuments of the ancient world. Isolated on a windswept plain, built by a people with no written language, Stonehenge challenges our imagination. The impressive stone circle stands near the top of a gently sloping hill on Salisbury Plain about thirty miles from the English Channel. The stones are visible over the hills for a mile or two in every direction. Stonehenge is one of over fifty thousand prehistoric "megalithics" in Europe. As Stonehenge is approached, the forty giant stones seem to touch the sky. Most of the stones stand twenty-four or more feet high. Some stones weigh as much as forty tons. Others are smaller, weighing only five tons. At first glance, the stones may seem to be a natural formation. But a closer look shows that only human imagination and determination could have created Stonehenge. II. The Stonehenge today looks quite different from the Stonehenge of old. Wind and weather have destroyed a little of Stonehenge over the ages. People have destroyed much more. Today, less than half of the original stones still stand as their builders planned. Many of the once upright stones lie on their sides. Religious fanatics, who felt threatened by the mysteries posed by Stonehenge, knocked over many of the standing stones. They toppled some of the huge stones, which then split into pieces; they buried others. Other stones were "quarried" over the centuries as free building material and hauled away. Even into this century, visitors have come with hammers to carry away a chip of stone with them. III. Only in recent years have the stones been protected from the huge amounts of people that see them every year. No longer can anyone roam among the stones. Too much damage, intentional or not, has been done by the hundreds of thousands of visitors. Today, tourists are even prevented from walking between the stones for fear that the millions of footsteps every year might make the stones unstable. IV. The twelfth-century English writer and historian, Geoffrey of Monmouth, first recorded Merlin's building of Stonehenge in his famous book History of the Kings of Britain. Geoffrey claimed that his book was a translation of "a certain very ancient book written in the British language." However, no other scholar or historian knows of the existence of such a book. According to Geoffrey, the great stones were brought from Ireland to England to mark the burial place of a group of slain British princes.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Compare and contrast the attitudes to war as reflected in for the :: English Literature

Compare and contrast the attitudes to war as reflected in for the fallen and the send off. 'For the fallen' and 'The Send-off' are poems written demonstrating attitudes towards war. Whilst banyan conveys an idealised, romantic picture of war that depicts the soldiers as heroic and courageous, Owens attitudes towards war are more pessimistic in nature. Owen uses appearance versus reality to show the corruption and misery of war. Binyan and Owen convey their attitudes through the language, structure and poetic devices they employ The attitudes to war in 'for the fallen' are patriotic and romanticised. The opening lines, 'with proud thanksgiving,' suggest grandeur, prestige and honour. Binyan conveys the ideas that fighting for your country, and serving in the war is honourable. To emphasise the honour of fighting in the war banyan employs a metaphorical representation of England as the capital mother. 'a mother for her children,' through personifying England as a mother it is almost like England has nurtured and shaped her children which are symbolic of the soldier which depicts the view that it was the soldiers duty to fight for their country. The repetition of the words 'for her,' evokes guilt in the readers as banyan illustrates the attitude at the time being that England has done so much for the soldiers that it was expected of them to give back to their country. Contrasting to the patriotic and idealised image of war and serving your country the representation that Owen conveys of war, is eerie and daunting,' the darkening lanes.' The imagery of the 'darkening lane' could reflect the lives of the solders sent to war, it suggests that their death were almost inevitable and they were bound to death before they wee even sent off. The use of the word darkening eliminates any hope the readers may have and illustrates Owens attitude that they're no hope in fighting and without hope there was no purpose or point in fighting. Owen also expresses certain vulnerability in the soldiers as they are sent into a world which they know nothing about. Similarly Binyan demonstrates the same naivety and innocence of the soldiers that served in the war. 'They went with songs to the battle,' suggests that the soldiers were unprepared and unaware of the harsh realities of war, which is reflected in the behaviour. Binyan demonstrates that the soldiers entered the battle field with aspirations, the fact that they were ready to fight for their country 'against the odds uncounted,' and went almost willingly 'with songs,' demonstrates honour. Binyan follows this with, 'they were young,' which emphasises their naivety and innocence; the soldiers were vulnerable but remained 'true of eye, steady and aflow,' which Compare and contrast the attitudes to war as reflected in for the :: English Literature Compare and contrast the attitudes to war as reflected in for the fallen and the send off. 'For the fallen' and 'The Send-off' are poems written demonstrating attitudes towards war. Whilst banyan conveys an idealised, romantic picture of war that depicts the soldiers as heroic and courageous, Owens attitudes towards war are more pessimistic in nature. Owen uses appearance versus reality to show the corruption and misery of war. Binyan and Owen convey their attitudes through the language, structure and poetic devices they employ The attitudes to war in 'for the fallen' are patriotic and romanticised. The opening lines, 'with proud thanksgiving,' suggest grandeur, prestige and honour. Binyan conveys the ideas that fighting for your country, and serving in the war is honourable. To emphasise the honour of fighting in the war banyan employs a metaphorical representation of England as the capital mother. 'a mother for her children,' through personifying England as a mother it is almost like England has nurtured and shaped her children which are symbolic of the soldier which depicts the view that it was the soldiers duty to fight for their country. The repetition of the words 'for her,' evokes guilt in the readers as banyan illustrates the attitude at the time being that England has done so much for the soldiers that it was expected of them to give back to their country. Contrasting to the patriotic and idealised image of war and serving your country the representation that Owen conveys of war, is eerie and daunting,' the darkening lanes.' The imagery of the 'darkening lane' could reflect the lives of the solders sent to war, it suggests that their death were almost inevitable and they were bound to death before they wee even sent off. The use of the word darkening eliminates any hope the readers may have and illustrates Owens attitude that they're no hope in fighting and without hope there was no purpose or point in fighting. Owen also expresses certain vulnerability in the soldiers as they are sent into a world which they know nothing about. Similarly Binyan demonstrates the same naivety and innocence of the soldiers that served in the war. 'They went with songs to the battle,' suggests that the soldiers were unprepared and unaware of the harsh realities of war, which is reflected in the behaviour. Binyan demonstrates that the soldiers entered the battle field with aspirations, the fact that they were ready to fight for their country 'against the odds uncounted,' and went almost willingly 'with songs,' demonstrates honour. Binyan follows this with, 'they were young,' which emphasises their naivety and innocence; the soldiers were vulnerable but remained 'true of eye, steady and aflow,' which

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Promote and implement health and safety in health and social care

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is responsible for regulating health and safety at work. This is done by a code of practice for employers, employees and visitors in order to prevent illness and accidents. The legislation that best relates to health or social care work setting is The Health and Safety Act Work Act 1974. This legislation best describes the work that employer and employees have to follow and provide. The health and safety and security of employers and its visitors must be protected. In order to follow up this legislation, the employer has to draw up health and safety policy and procedures and must be followed according to the legislation. The employer has to provide a safe work place, safe access to and from place of work, a risk assessment of potential a hazard and health and safety training as well as information on health and safety. The points of health and safety policies and procedures agreed with the employer are as follows: To secure the health, safety and welfare of people at work To protect others from risks arising from the activities of people at work †¢ To control the use and storage of dangerous substances †¢ To control the emission into the atmosphere of noxious or offensive substances At a work place it is your duty to take care of yourself and anyone else who may be affected by your actions. No task should be done by you which you have not been trained or instructed to do so. No equipments should be misused in the interest of health an d safety. The responsibilities of a manager should be that they make you aware of everything that is regarding to health and safety at work. Such as, make you aware of health and safety policies and procedure and get you signed to confirm that you have been made aware. Others such as family members or carers have also responsibilities to consider such as health and safety in maintaining security, hand washing and no smoking rule. No task should be carried out without having had a special training. No need to be playing a hero if you are not trained to help at what ever the situation is. Medication should only be given by a trained staff and who also can demonstrate competence. There is so many things that could possible go wrong regarding giving a patient medication. Sudden accidents that may occur in work setting could be falling down the stairs or slipping on a wet floor. Illness that could occur are poisoning, allergy and burns. The procedure that should be followed if the floor is wet, a sign should be put up to make people aware that it is dangerous and slipper and cleaned straight away. The procedure that should be followed if someone gets poisoned or has a severe burns they should be taken to the A&E. Stress is an organism's response to a stressor such as an environmental condition or a stimulus. Stress is a body's way to react to a challenge. There are many signs that indicates stress, those are as follows: poor concentration tearfullness anxiety and depression high blood pressure weight gain or loss insomnia Signs that indicate own stress are physical stressors, emotional stressors and social stressors. Physical stressors are pain in your body, illness, disability, lack of sleep, poor diet and too much exercise or none. Emotional stressors, dealing with family problems, meeting deadlines, looking for a job, responsibilities at work and home and helplessness. Social stressors, relationships, financial problem, coping with children, moving house, getting married and having a baby. In order to overcome stress, is to build emotional strength within you, controlling your situation, having a good social network and always have a positive outlook on certain things. Challenging yourself by setting goals, builds confidence and helps you take charge of your life. Been active has a lot of benefits, not just by calming your emotions and help you think more clearly but also by cleaning up unwanted toxin in your body.

Monday, September 16, 2019

James Joyce. Araby

1. In Joyce's short story, the young narrator views Araby as a symbol of the mysteriousness and seduction of the Middle East. When he crosses the river to attend the bazaar and purchase a gift for the girl, it is as if he is crossing into a foreign land. But his trip to the bazaar disappoints and disillusions him, awakening him to the rigid reality of life around him. The boy’s dream to buy some little thing on bazaar is roughly divided on the callousness of adults who have forgotten about his request.And Dublin bazaar with alluring oriental-sounding name â€Å"Arabia† is a pathetic parody of the real holiday. 2. Although James Joyce’s story â€Å"Araby† is told from the first person viewpoint of its young protagonist, we do not think that a boy tells the story. Instead, the narrator seems to be a man matured well beyond the experience of the story. The mature man reminisces about his youthful hopes, desires, and frustrations.Because of the double focused narration of the story, first by the boy's experience, then by a mature experienced man, the story gives a wider portrait to using sophisticated irony and symbolic imagery necessary to analyze the boy's character. 3. Mangan's sister is the other central character in the story. The narrator shows us in ironic manner that in his youthful adoration of Mangan’s sister she is the embodiment of all his boyish dreams of the beauty, of physical desire and, at the same time, the embodiment of his adoration of all that is holy.Her image, constantly with him, makes him feel as though he bears a holy â€Å"chalice† through a â€Å"crowd of foes†Ã¢â‚¬â€œ the Saturday evening throng of drunken men, bargaining women, cursing laborers, and all the others who have no conception of the mystical beauty his young mind has created in this world of material ugliness. 4. Joyce very clearly defined his creative task in the â€Å"Dubliners†: â€Å"My intention was to write a cha pter of the spiritual history of my country, and I chose the scene of Dublin, because this city is the center of paralysis â€Å".The opening paragraph, setting the scene prepares us for the view we receive of the conflict between the loveliness of the ideal and the drabness of the actual. Long monotonous periods, the rhythm and the threefold repetition of the word â€Å"blind† in the sense of impasse and blind create comic discrepancy between the title of the story and its beginning. 5. James Joyce uses dark and gloomy references to create the exact mood or atmosphere. Dark time of day (night) is used throughout the story and darkness is the prevailing theme.Joyce writes repetitively of the dark as a direct representation of the boy’s life. The boy plays in the dark, he hides in the dark, and he lives in the dark. The darkness is where he comes to an epiphany, and where he matures as a boy. The narrator's perception of the darkness causes him to reflect on his own is olation and loneliness. The nameless boy’s destiny is in the darkness of Dublin, and Joyce knows there is no escaping this. In the end of the story, the boy suddenly awakens to the bleakness of the humdrum life around him.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Baroque Architecture

Baroque Architecture Works of famous architects and sculptors What is Baroque Architecture? A Style originating in late 16th Century Italy Consists of complex Architectural plan shapes, often based on the oval. Dynamic opposition and inter penetration of spaces were favored to highlighted the feeling of motion and sensuality. Other characteristic qualities include:- Grandeur – Drama and Contrast – Courageousness – Twisting elements – Gilded statuary He was the son of a stonemason and began his career as a stonemason himself. He soon went dominant study and practice his craft.He moved torment 1619 and started working for Carlo Modern, Bromine's real name was Francesco Castillo. Once he had become established in Rome, he changed his name from Castles' to Bromine, He worked within Lorenz Bernardino the design of the fundamentalist's. Peter Basilica , the two later became bitter rivals. Francesco Borrowings the master of curved-wall architecture. He was influe nced by the architecture of Michelangelo and the ruins of Antiquity. His architecture employs manipulations of Classical architectural forms, geometrical sensational with symbolic meanings behind his buildings. Ђ Classical architectural forms, geometrical rationales in his plans and symbolic meanings in his buildings. Famous works of Bromine Architecture San Cairo alley Squatter Fontanne Sandal's all Seaplane, 1660 Colleges did Propaganda Fide Santiago SE in Agony The Sandal's all Oratory Sapience and Palazzo die Filipino Assonant area dell Fretter Barbering San Carlo alley Equator Fontanne Falconer Spade San Giovanni in Lateran San Cairo alley Squatter Fontanne Bromine's first independent commission This tiny church, along with its Rudyard, is one of the most important monuments of the baroque style in Rome.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

“What Factors Contribute to Infant Mortality in Developed and Less Developed Countries?”

â€Å"What factors contribute to infant mortality in developed and less developed countries? † â€Å"Infant mortality is the number of deaths among live-born infants from birth to under age one† (Sidscenter. org, n. d. ). According to a National Vital Statistics Report in 2006, the leading causes of Infant Mortality in the U. S. were deformities, low birth weight, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, maternal complications, unintentional injuries, respiratory distress of the newborn, bacterial sepsis, neonatal haemorrhage and diseases of the circulatory system (Heron, M. P. , Murphy, S. L. , Xu, J. Q. , Kochanek, K. D. , & Tejada-Vera, B. , 2006). Studies show that in less developed countries around the world some factors contributing to infant mortality are economic development, level of educational attainment, level of female educational attainment and level of expenditure on public health (Nobles, J. , Shandra, J. M. , & London, B. , 2003). In underdeveloped countries around the world, many actions need to be taken to decrease the infant mortality rate. Because of low female education about pregnancy, unlike in developed nations, women are not aware of the importance of breastfeeding in the first six months of a newborn’s life, vital antibodies are given to the child through breastfeeding. Babies in underdeveloped countries who are supplemented with tap water are at risk of infection because of contamination due to the lack of sanitation systems, this means children can die from infection, or, more commonly, dehydration from diarrhoea. In countries with malaria carrying mosquitos and other disease carrying insects, the use of insecticide sprayed sleeping nets is available, but due to low income, the cost of these nets, around five dollars, is a large percentage of many people’s gross incomes (Balbierz, A. N. n. d. ). â€Å"The goal of these nets is the protection of sleeping infants from contractile diseases† (Balbierz, A. N. n. d. ). Vaccination is another important way to prevent disease and therefore, infant mortality. UNICEF developed a network of vaccine refrigerators and trained health care workers that were strategically placed in disease stricken areas of developing countries. † (Peck, P. , 2003). Nutrition for all people as well as mothers and infants needs to be addressed in these underdeveloped nations, prenatal and postnatal care, vaccination and health promotion would all help in reducing the infant mortality rate in many countries around the orld, as well as increasing the health a nd quality for life for all the people in these countries (Peck, P. , 2003). The Academy for Educational Development, AED, is an organization that is working hard to make infant mortality rates decrease, â€Å"each day 80 newborns die in Mali, every three hours a woman in Mali dies due to complications from pregnancy or childbirth† (Academy for Educational Development [AED], 2004). The AED has created a team of 20 people; including a mid-wife, paediatrician, statistician, economist, sociologist, and educator; these people have â€Å"reviewed both local and international surveys, studies, and reports to estimate the cost of inadequate maternal and newborn health services in terms of the number of lives lost and the economic impact on their country† (AED, 2004). Two ways this team of professionals plans to address infant mortality in Mali is by the ‘Reduce’ and ‘Alive’ approaches. The ‘Reduce’ strategy will look at mothers not seeking help in time, not being able to reach health care services due to lack of transportation, and the delay of help when they do reach hospitals or clinics. The ‘Alive’ strategy will look at the cleanliness of the delivery and the cutting of the umbilical cord, the wrapping of the baby in blankets and the cleaning of the baby after delivery, and breastfeeding lessons soon after birth. Breastfeeding is one of the most important factors in this strategy, especially because of the Colostrum which is produced in the mother’s mammary glands which helps build the infants immunity. Income, education and medical care are key factors in the infant mortality rate in underdeveloped countries, as well as community influence and its social and economic wellbeing, an infant needs support from family, community and the government to ensure infant survival (Buckely, K. A. , Koontz, A. M. , & Casey, S. , 1998). Infant mortality in developed countries is declining in recent years, in Australia the Infant Mortality Rate is higher due to the deaths among Indigenous infants. The decrease in the amount of deaths is largely due to improvements in social public health conditions, immunisation, and antibiotics. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome has been reduced due to the education of mothers in wrapping their children tightly and placing them on their back or side when sleeping (New South Wales Department of Health, 2008). The main causes of Infant Mortality in developed countries is eformities that develop during the growth of the foetus in the womb, disorders developed due to premature births and low birth weights, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, maternal complications during pregnancy, and respiratory distress in a newborn (International Medical News Group, 2004). Unlike in underdeveloped countries, lack of education and poverty is not as much of a prevalent cause for the death of infants, developed c ountries also have less exposure to diseases, especially ones carried by insects etc. However, when we look at the highest Infant Mortality Rates around the world, and discover that they are highest in poor and underdeveloped countries, we cannot assume its causes are only present in here. For example: the Indigenous people of Australia have higher Infant deaths because they are not educated as well as caucasian citizens, their involvement in the education system is often small and their socio-economic status is often low (Richer, K. , Godfrey, J. , Partington, G. , Harslett, M. , & Harrison, B. , 1998). All around the world developed countries have ghettos or poor areas, and in these areas similar conditions could be causes of Infant Mortality like in underdeveloped nations. Infant Mortality cannot be eliminated, but it can be combated and reduced significantly worldwide. Public Health issues are highly affected by poverty, to which there is no solution. Even though poverty does make the Infant Mortality Rate a lot higher, it does not mean the mortality rate discriminates to one class of people either. Infant Mortality is found in all income levels, urban and rural areas, in all countries all over the world. In 2004, the Institute of Medicine said that â€Å"a lack of health insurance coverage causes 18,000 unnecessary deaths per year† (James, J. S. , 2010) in the U. S. alone. This could be reduced significantly, and with volunteers and international cooperation, Infant Mortality Rates can be reduced. BIBLIOGRAPHY Academy for Educational Development. AED Advocacy Models Help Combat Infant and Maternal Mortality. Retrieved March 29, 2010, from http://www. aed. org/News/Stories/reduce-and-alive. cfm Balbierz, A. N. (n. d. ). Infant Mortality. Retrieved March 29, 2010, from http://www. cwru. du/med/epidbio/mphp439/Infant_Mortality. htm Buckely, K. A. , Koontz, A. M. , & Casey, S. (1998). Fetal and Immortality Review. Retrieved March 29, 2010, from http://www. acog. org/departments/dept_notice. cfm? recno=10&bulletin=4752 Heron, M. P. , Murphy, S. L. , Xu, J. Q. , Kochanek, K. D. , & Tejada-Vera, B. Deaths: Final data for 2006. National Vital Statistics Reports, 57(14). International Medical News Group. (2004). Top five causes for infant mortality. OB/GYN News. Retrieved March 29, 2010, from http://findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_m0CYD/is_10_39/ai_n6078883/ James, J. S. (2010). Institute of Medicine Calls for Universal Health Insurance by 2010. Retrieved March 29, 2010, from http://www. aidsnews. org/2004/01/IOM. html National Sudden and Unexpected Infant/Child Death & Pregnancy Loss Resource Center. Definitions. Retrieved March 28, 2010, from http://www. sidscenter. org/definitions. html New South Wales Department of Health. (2008). International rankings of infant mortality. Sydney: Report of the Chief Health Officer. Nobles, J. , Shandra, J. M. , & London, B. (2003). â€Å"Dependency, Democracy, Education, and Infant Mortality: A Quantitative, Cross-National Analysis of Less Developed Countries†. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta Hilton Hotel, Atlanta, GA Online . 2009-05-26 from http://www. allacademic. com/meta/p107575_index. html Peck, P. (2003). 11 Million Forgotten Children. Retrieved March, 29, 2010, from http://www. countercurrents. org/archive02-01150703. htm Richer, K. , Godfrey, J. , Partington, G. , Harslett, M. , Harrison, B. (1998). Attitudes of Aboriginal students to further education. Retrieved March 29, 2010, from http://www. aare. edu. au/98pap/ric98095. htm

Friday, September 13, 2019

Acceptance Speech - Martin Luther King Essay Example for Free

Acceptance Speech – Martin Luther King Essay ? Acceptance Speech Martin Luther King was an African American activist and leader who dedicated his life to fighting for equal rights for coloured people in America. Grown up in a Baptist family, Christianity held a huge fascination for Martin Luther King, which is often reflected in his speeches. In 1964, he received the Nobel Peace Prize for his achievements in the struggle for equality and independence for coloured people. When receiving the award, Martin Luther King expresses his appreciation by a speech in Oslo. This speech is slightly different to his other speeches such as â€Å"I have a dream† or â€Å"Eulogy† as he uses less metaphors and alliterations and not only focuses on racial discrimination in the United States of America. He uses high vocabulary, as he speaks to a highly educated non-American audience in a humble tone. Martin Luther King begins his speech with the words: â€Å"The tortuous road which has led from Montgomery to Alabama to Oslo†¦ This can be classified as a metaphor, as â€Å"tortuous road† emphasizes that Negros had to suffer humiliation, exploitation and oppression for many years. But this â€Å"road† gave new hope to the people in the United States, as it is said in the speech: â€Å"This road has opened for all Americans a new era of progress and hope. † This is an extended metaphor that appears throughout the whole paragraph, as he goes on with:† a superhighway of injustice†. These words show that the civil rights movement can’t be stopped anymore and will finally bring justice for Negros. Throughout the speech many alliteration occur such as:†faith in the future† or â€Å"bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood†. These examples show that alliterations point attention to the sentence and help to fix the reader’s mind. It then goes on with the simile: â€Å"Man is more flotsam and jetsam in the river of life†. By these words Martin Luther King wants to emphasize that it is possible for everybody to change something in the world, despite the fact that people do not have the same opinion. Later he says:† I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to Starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality†. By metaphor â€Å"starless midnight of racism† Martin Luther King wants to indicate was considerate to something unsolvable or unchangeable. By the words â€Å"bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood†, he which is also a metaphor, he emphasizes thatpeace and brotherhood will finally be achieved. However, hese metaphor are very effective as they make the abstract or unknown concrete but it also enlivens the reader’s imagination. This sentence can also closely be classified as a balanced sentence, as Martin Luther King tells us what to do and what not to do. However, this helps to persuade the audience so stand up for their rights. Throughout the speech many anaphoras occur such as â€Å"I refuse to accept† or â€Å"I believe that†. This rhetor ical device emphasizes Martin Luther King’s aim for equal rights all over the world. Later on it says: â€Å"I refuse to accept the idea that the ‘is-ness’ of man’s present nature makes him morally incapable of reaching up for the eternal ‘ought-ness’ that forever confronts him. † Martin Luther King had a vision for how things ought to be. He shows us to refuse to accept things for how they are, and instead strive to find the solution for how they ought to be. Martin Luther King will always remain one of the most influential and greatest freedom fighters in the world. Though his commitment and persuasion, he achieved a lot for Afro American people in the USA. Acceptance Speech – Martin Luther King. (2018, Nov 13).

Evaluate two websites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Evaluate two websites - Essay Example The homepage of offers a number of tab options like Money, Insurance, Travel, Motoring, Gas & Electricity, Mobile Phones, Shopping, Broadband etc. with requisite details when we hit the links. In addition we have menu bar on the left hand side of the page, detailing the products in different categories like Camera & Photography, Audio, Video & TV, Computer & Software etc. too claims that millions of consumers have been using the services of this website to obtain free and unbiased information about products and services. For a product like mp3 player, the website appears to offer single page solution to different needs of the prospective customer. The first page, listing different types of mp3 players offers features like, comparisons based on manufacturers like Apple, SanDisk, Sony etc. We can also browse the product by store, storage capacity, storage media etc. ii. Working of the search-links: In this case it is our endeavour to locate an mp3 player suited for our requirement with an affordable price tag. Both the websites seem to have perfectly understandable and functional links in our quest to find out an mp3 player. On, while enlisting the ‘most popular products’ on the ‘shopping’ page, the website provides links for ‘MP3 Players and Portable Audio Devices’, which in turn gives us updated information about the latest mp3 products with the brand names like apple, SanDisk etc. In addition it also indicates the approximate base price of the products. This helps the customer in making a well studied choice of the desired product. After making the initial selection, the customer can click the links depicted by the photographs of the products on the page, or can click the link ‘MP3 Players & Media Players’, which in turn provides a range of options to chose from. also provides a guide to help the prospective customers in making an intelligent choice. In this case an

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Specialist Community Public Health Nursing Essay

Specialist Community Public Health Nursing - Essay Example rience depression and other health related issues that even cause death in later stage (Egton Medical Information Systems Limited, 2015; Musingarimi, 2008). Over the previous twenty years, the rate of obesity throughout the globe has increased by a considerable extent. Based on various researches, it can be ascertained that the rate of obesity among the adults has increased by three to four times since the year 1980. However, it has become a worldwide challenge for the government to combat the disease because of the complexities associated with the treatment procedures of the same (Guardian News and Media Limited, 2015). Notably, there are certain public health policies that have been formulated by the UK government in order to tackle with the disease. Apart from this, the health visitors of the UK are also playing a major role in preventing obesity by creating greater awareness about the implications of this health disorder amid the people (Waumsley, 2011). Thus, urgent global action and conduct of effective leadership practices are required to support the respective nations in coping up with such a life threatening health disorder (1BBC, 2015). Obesity has become a major global health challenge, as it is growing at an increasing rate throughout the globe. Based on a survey conducted, it is estimated that in excess of three million people of the world are suffering from this health disorder. The condition of obesity in a person is measured with the help of Body Mass Index (BMI) approach, which measures the proximity of this disorder within the individuals by measuring their height and weight. Specially mentioning, the people of the developed countries are mainly affected with this adverse health condition, but in recent times, the issue has become an increasing problem even for the developing countries. In the year 2010, about 3.4 million deaths were reported worldwide that caused due to obesity. Certainly, the rise in the rate of obesity has led the respective

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT - Assignment Example During financialization, capitalism is often affected by the dominance of the financial sector over the productive sector(Krippner, 2011, p. 9). The essay critically analyzes some of the themes covered by Erturk et al. (2008) and their relevance to contemporary business and economy. According to (Ismail, et al., 2008, p. 239) there is no outline for a single market culture thesis. Instead, the issues discussed revolve around a variety of themes that touch on the market culture of society and politics. One of the market culture themes that have been identified covers a shift in interest among economical agents, from the inequality to difference; from the market economy of resource distribution in the economy of cultural recognition and identity. Economic actors are less concerned with issues related to the economic equality and are constantly shifting their attention to cultural differences. The dimensions of inequality in the economy have been focused on less, relative to the cultural considerations and differences that have turned to be a major problem. On a standard sociological account, the relation between economics and economies has been interpreted to be quite weak. The reason behind this prerogative ideology is that the economics provide highly abstract market models that are based on behavior and governing assumptions that have no world equivalences in reality. Along similar lines, the academic economics do not have a great deal of importance for businesses, even though it has a recognizable significance for states(Budd & Harris, 2004, p. 74). On the other hand, (Callon, 2004, p. 242)views the economy as a set of reliable technical practices rather than a bad science. He also visualizes the economy as a technology that creates phenomena and allows participation in shaping whatever it describes. The interest in the economy should be based less on the set of accurate representations of the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

History - Essay Example Before the mother's petition was heard, the father of Richard, Cecil Reed, also filed a petition seeking to be appointed as the administrator of the estate (Lively 29). Initially, the court ruled that, since the respondent was a male, he was the most preferable to the female appellant in accordance with Section 15-314 of the Idaho Code. However, Sally Reed appealed; luckily, her appeal was handled by the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District of Idaho. In dealing with the appeal, the court held that the section challenged by Reid violated the fourteenth amendment clause on Equal protection. The decision of the court in this case was that the court held that the unequal treatment of women by the Idaho law could be regarded as a violation of the Equal Protection Clause in the constitution. Further, the court decided that the denial of equal rights to women violated the fourteenth amendment (Lively 30). The court voted that Idaho did not deny letters of administration to the wom en gender. The court also voted that women whose spouses had died had the preference over a brother, father, son, or any other male relative. The court decision in Reed vs. Reed was written by Chief Justice Warren Burger. The decision of the Supreme Court in this case has had a phenomenal impact on the society; it has led to the treatment of gender discrimination as a constitutional violation. This case became the basis for the enactment of laws that recognized the rights of women (Lively 32). Worker’s Rights A Supreme Court case that involved the rights of the workers included the Albemarle paper Company v. Moody in 1975. The respondents in this case involved a class of former as well as present employees of the paper company, mainly those of the Negro descent. The employees sought an injunction against any practice, policy, or custom at the plant, which violated the Civil Rights Act of 1964. During this case, the court held that the company has locked Negro employees in the classifications of jobs that had low pay. As such, the court ordered the petitioners (Albemarle) to implement a system that could encourage plant-wide seniority. The part of the constitution used in this court case was Title VII of the 1964 civil rights act. The decision of the Supreme Court was that the back pay could not be ordered because of the losses that the plaintiff sustained under the system of discrimination. Further, the court held that Albemarle did not breach Title VII in bad faith. The court also held that the respondents had gone wrong in delaying their back pay claim; this could be regarded as prejudice to the petitioners (Lively 42). However, the respondents appealed the decision upon which the court voted that the absence of bad faith could not be regarded as a reason sufficient to deny back-pay. The court also voted that back pay could only be denied when its general application would not act as a frustration to the central statutory processes, which Congress man ifested in enacting Title VII. Mr. Justice Stewart wrote the decisions of the court. The decision of the Supreme Court has affected the society in that the ruling has led to the transformation of labor laws (Lively 44). The relative impact of the cases discussed can be comparable in the sense that both the cases led to the enactment of numerous laws. These laws have sought to end discrimination and accord equal rights to all. Both cases championed for the

Monday, September 9, 2019

Theories of Prejudice in Studs Terkels C.P. Ellis Essay

Theories of Prejudice in Studs Terkels C.P. Ellis - Essay Example Ellis describes an example of how such causal factors of prejudice are shaped due to personal, historical, and environmental issues. This essay is an attempt to relate the theories expounded by Parrillo to the actual case of C.P. Ellis. Terkel’s narrative, after all effectively describes the different levels of prejudice that C.P. Ellis went through before finally reaching a realization that such prejudice should be done away with. By interpreting Ellis’s experience from the perspective using Parrillo’s theories, it is possible to achieve that prejudice, no matter how long it has been held by an individual, can still be eradicated. In applying Parrillo’s theory on the levels of prejudice, it is clear that Ellis did not develop his racial prejudice only in his adult years. Terkel writes that Ellis’s father was a member already of the Ku Klux Klan. Ellis narrated that that he was taught by his father that the Klan was the â€Å"savior of the white pe ople† and that it was â€Å"the only organization in the world that would take care of the white people.† (Terkel 400) Through his father’s influence, Ellis developed a strong admiration and belief for whatever the Klan stood for, including its hatred for African Americans. It was easy for Ellis to be influenced by his father because, who despite being a drunk at times, made it a point to spend enough fun times for his son. Ellis himself declared his affection and love for his father, including the ideas given to him. The parent’s own outlook is always the first to influence a child, a fact that is even more operative in healthy father-son relationships. The relationship between adult and child, especially when parental, is the most effective condition for a cognitive level of prejudice to develop. Parrillo defines the cognitive level of prejudice as one that â€Å"encompasses a person's beliefs and perceptions of a group as threatening or non-threatening , inferior or equal (e.g., in terms of intellect, status, or biological composition), seclusive or intrusive, impulse gratifying, acquisitive, or possessing other positive or negative characteristics.† (385) The development of the cognitive level is prompted by external factors, however. In Ellis’s case, it is the ideas planted by his father in his younger years. The absence of economic opportunities is another causal factor in the emergence of racial prejudice. The frustration of being poor or impoverished despite working very hard can cause individuals to seek subjects where they can vent their anger. It is clear in his narrative that Ellis put heavy emphasis on his frustration over his economic woes. Just like his father, he worked very hard only to find out that his earnings were still not enough to satisfy the needs of his family. He was angry and depressed and he needed to blame someone or some people over his fate. Ellis admitted that he began to blame African Am ericans. For him, it was the most convenient thing to do since â€Å"hatin’ America is hard to do because you can’t see it to hate it.† (Terkel 400). In analyzing Ellis’s statement, it is obvious that he already had the tendency to consider the American social system itself as the probable cause for his and his family’s despondence. However, without the intellectual tools of social analysis, identifying such system as the culprit is complicated.  

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Annotated News Item Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Annotated News Item - Assignment Example This lead to bitterness between the West and Iran and eventually the relationship between the West and Iran did deteriorate a lot. Over the years following the Islamic Revolution, the relationship of Iran with the US and the other Western powers did turn sour. 2. Iran did have a nuclear program that was initially cancelled after the Islamic Revolution in the year 1979. However, Iran did revive its nascent nuclear program during the Iran-Iraq war to protect itself against any such future attacks on Iran. Following the revival of the Iranian nuclear program, the international community and especially the West did put much pressure on Iran to close down and shut its nuclear program. The Iranian government did respond to this international pressure by declaring that it was an attempt on the part of the West to keep Iran economically and scientifically backward and to prevent Iran from militarily guarding its interests in the Middle East. Iran used this international opposition to its nuclear program to revive the nationalistic sentiments amongst the Iranian people and to augment the support for the Iranian regime that was gradually losing support amongst the masses. Over the years the nuclear program of Iran did become a central issue in deter mining as to how Iran related to the West and the kind of relationship that Iran intended to have with the Western powers that staunchly opposed Iran’s nuclear ambition.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Employment Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Employment Relations - Essay Example Therefore, this present study seeks to critically evaluate this premise in order to establish whether it is a valid truth or not. While evaluating this statement, relevant theories and evidence with respect to the different formats of employee involvement and participation will be looked analysed, and additionally, some quote examples will be presented in order to illustrate the arguments presented within the paper. To begin with, it is critical to define the three key terms that appear on the title of this essay and this include employee involvement, which has been described by Blyton and Turnbull (2004), as the creation of an environment within the workplace whereby employees have an impact on the actions and decisions that relate with their roles and responsibilities. Bach (2005) on his part described employee involvement as the equal participation of workers in the decision making of how work is to be done, improvement of work performance, setting of objectives, planning and moni toring of their work performance. Secondly, Blyton and Turnbull (2004) described employee participation as a part of employee involvement that is intended to provide workers with the opportunity to influence and in certain circumstances play an active role in the decision making process of issues that affects them. As for employee empowerment, Ezzamel and Willmott (1998) simply defined it as a manipulation tool or management control that is critical in the attainment of full organisational potential. Alternatively, Bach (2005) described employee empowerment as management strategies for sharing decision-making power between the management and the employees. Employee involvement and participation does not empower employees It is noted that in the writings by Bach (2005) the term ‘empower’ means giving power to another party and hence giving the same party some form of independency. The statement suggests that employee do not gain power through involvement and participatio n in the work processes that includes the decision making process. Edwards and Wajcman (2005) lamented that the acts of involvement and participation do not transfer power to the employees. This is because it is still the powerful managers who get to decided and even design how employees will be involved in the actions and decision that relate to their job and to what extent they can participate in the decision making process within an organisation. Therefore, from the simple fact that powerful managers are the ones who get to set the extent or design of employee involvement and participation it definitely means that employees do not even have an actual power in their involvement and participation since it is the managers who set these on their own terms. From the definition of the term employee involvement and participation, it is evidently clear that in the strategies, employees are only meant to contribute or state their opinions or views regarding matters that affect their jobs. Therefore, it is not as if they are taking full charge of matters affecting their jobs, which could have meant that they are fully empowered through involvement and participation. Hyman and Mason (1995) further added that by contributing to a process it means that one does not have full control over the process. With reference to the writings by Lashley (2001), he argued that in the current

Friday, September 6, 2019

From dependence to independence Essay Example for Free

From dependence to independence Essay A Taste Of Honey is a twentieth century play set in the 1950s. It is known as a kitchen-sink drama and was written by Shelagh Delaney at the age of 18 and was first performed in May 1958. A kitchen-sink drama originated in the literature in the 1950s and 1960s. Its aim is to create a true picture of the hard life and troubles of the working class life. In A Taste Of Honey the two main characters are always falling out with each other and the people around them. The conditions they live in are cramped and poor in bedsits or flats. An example of a kitchen-sink drama is in Look Back In Anger by John Osborne and Saturday Night And Sunday Morning by Alan Sillitoe. Plays and dramas in the fifties were performed for the middle and upper classes but then came the debut kitchen-sink drama; Look Back In Anger, which was aimed at the working class. A kitchen-sink drama play uses everyday common language to reflect the lives of the working class people portrayed. A Taste Of Honey is set in Salford, Manchester. It is about the life and relationship between a young girl, Jo, and her mother, Helen. They move around a lot, and have just moved into a shabby one-bedroomed flat in Salford. Helen is a semi-whore who lives off money which has been given to her by her men friends. Helen also drinks a lot. Jo is fifteen years old and she is very talented in an artistic way and enjoys drawing, but she blames her mother, who she refers to as Helen, for disrupting her education. Helen and Jo move into a shabby rented flat in Salford and its very cramped and small. Jo isnt happy but Helen doesnt mind. Jo tries to make the flat look and feel more liveable in by deciding to plant some bulbs. Helens not bothered though, and is happy that at least they have a roof over their heads. She has a what you see is what you get attitude towards life and lives by a day-to-day basis. Helen also uses a lot of sarcasm, for example, when Jo is complaining about the flat, Helen replies, Everything in it is falling apart, its true, and weve no heating- but theres a lovely view of the gasworks. Helen is a single parent and theres no mention of any relatives throughout the play. Single parent families were not accepted in the 1950s and if a couple wasnt married, it was seen as living in sin and frowned upon. A Taste Of Honey is aimed at adults and older teenagers as there is a lot of crude and rude humour and bad language, reflecting their working class lives for example, Helen: Take your bloody money and get out. Peter: Thank you. Helen: You dirty bastard. Also, teenage pregnancies, race and sexuality were big issues in the fifties. Homosexuality was a criminal offence, even if the couple were of a consent age. Many homosexuals were locked up, and underage sex was strongly frowned upon, and abortions were very difficult to obtain. Women had to resort to back-street abortions, which were very dangerous and could be fatal, so thats why there were a lot of teenage pregnancies. In the fifties, there were very few black people and they were given low paid jobs in the service industries and hospitals. These three issues are all part of the story. Jo has a teenage pregnancy, Jimmie is black, and Geof is homosexual. There were no equal opportunities, for example, men got paid more than women in exactly the same jobs. Housing conditions in Salford were poor. Most houses were small, cramped and dirty. Many rented bedsits or flats often shared amenities like bathrooms and toilets, and this is the case in A Taste Of Honey. We share a bathroom with the community and this wallpapers contemporary. What more do you want? In A Taste Of Honey, Jo doesnt call her mother mother. She calls her Helen. This shows that she doesnt have much respect for her mother and wishes to live her own life, and not to be ruled over by someone who is not a good mother figure. I think Jo is lonely, as she hasnt settled down in a school yet so she hasnt had the chance to make any friends. Helen also treats Jo as if she is just something thats there. She refers to Jo as she and her. Wouldnt she get on your nerves? Helen also drinks a lot, and even though Jo isnt treated as a real person, she still wishes her mother would stop. Drink, drink, drink, thats all youre fit for. With Jo wanting Helen to stop drinking, I think this shows that Jo is scared, that if the drinking carries on and Helen gets ill or something happens to her, then Jo will be alone. Helens favourite past-times, which Jo disapproves of, are her drinking habits and sleeping around. Helen is not a good mother and she knows this herself, Have I ever laid claim to being a proper mother? Helen hardly knows her daughter. This is made obvious when Jo decides to have a bath in the morning because its dark outside, and Helen replies, Are you afraid of the dark? whereas in any normal family, the parent would know if their child was afraid of anything with living with them for fifteen years. Jo hates school. She has been moved from school to school and never settled in any of them, so she cant be bothered with it, but she is very talented in drawing. When Helen finds some of Jos drawings, her only reply is, I thought you werent good at anything. Helen starts to encourage Jo by saying its very good, but then her sarcasm returns when she says, I think Ill hang this on the wall somewhere. Now, where will it be least noticeable? When we meet Peter, he enters with a cigar in his mouth. He seems very cocky and seems the sort of person who doesnt really care for other people, as he is self-centred. He keeps telling Jo to go away, and tells Helen to get rid of her, because he just wants Helen for sex. Jo doesnt want to leave the two alone, and keeps interrupting because she is afraid that Peter will get the attention off Helen that Jo has always wanted. Also, Jo knows that Helen will abandon her and go off with new men she meets, as she has done it before. When Helen goes out the room and Jo is left alone with Peter, she starts to question him. Jo sees some photographs in Peters wallet and demands to know who they are of. Can I see the other photos? She then starts to ask why hes marrying Helen and asks if he fancies her. Do you fancy me? I think she asks this because she knows that her mother is beautiful, and she gets lots of attention off men, so Jo wants to see if she could be just like her. Helen is somewhat an idol to Jo, because she always asks people if they think Helen is beautiful, and she wants to be just like her always getting attention from men. Jo, in a way, is jealous of Helen. I think Jo is fairly independent for her age, as she is certain about what she wants to do. She wants to leave school and start working as soon as she can. This shows that she acts older than she really is and is mature for her age. In scene 2, we are introduced to Jos boyfriend. In this part of the play, we know him as Boy, but later on we find out his name is Jimmie. He is a black sailor in the navy and he asks Jo to marry him. Boy is twenty-two, and Jo lies about her age and tells him she is eighteen. He questions her about what Helen will think about him because hes a coloured boy. Boy: She hasnt seen me. Jo: And when she does? Boy: Shell see a coloured boy. I think Boy is worried about meeting Jos mother, as racial prejudice was a big issue in the fifties. Jo tells him, though, that her mother is not prejudice and will not mind, but at the end of the play when Helen finds out that the baby will be black, she starts to get mad. When she finds out, she says, Oh dont be silly Jo. Youll be giving yourself nightmares. She thinks Jo is pulling her leg but she is serious. When she finally realises that it is true, she doesnt care what people will think of Jo, but what people will think of herself. Can you see me wheeling a pram with a Oh my God, Ill have to have a drink. Boy has to go away for six months, and he reassures her hell be back. I think Jo thinks she loves Boy, but doesnt expect him to return, because when he says he is going, Jo says her Hearts broke. Boy offers comfort by saying; You can lie in bed at night and hear my ship passing down the old canal. But when Boy starts to flirt with her in a naughty way, she says, I may as well be naughty while Ive got the chance. Ill probably never see you again. I know it. I dont think that its true love between Jo and Boy, as Jo is young and every time they say they love each other, their replies to one another is always how, and why. Boy: I love you. Jo: How do you know? Whereas if they really did love each other, they wouldnt ask for reasons why. Jos friend Geof, is very considerate and caring. We meet Geof in Act 2, Scene 1 after him and Jo have been to the fairground. Geof is a homosexual and he has been kicked out of his flat by the landlady because of this, so hes been spending time at Jos. By this time, it is summer and Jos pregnancy is obvious. Helen has moved out after marrying Peter and left Jo alone. Geof comes into Jos flat after the fair and is about to go but Jo literally begs him to stay. Geof, dont go. Dont go. Geof! I think Jo is scared to be alone, that she doesnt know what she would do alone with the birth getting nearer. Geof starts looking through Jos drawings and criticises them by saying he doesnt like charcoal and that the drawings are exactly like Jo, with no design, rhythm or purpose. When Geof starts telling Jo that a lot of money will be needed for the baby, she tries to ignore the fact that shes pregnant and tells Geof to shut up, but Geof isnt saying this to worry her, but to get her prepared and face reality. He cares for her and because Helen doesnt know about the pregnancy, Geof thinks she has a right to know that shes going to be a grandmother but Jo objects. Jos relationship with Geof is a love similar to that of a brother and sister, as he is more into looking after her. I think Jo really cares for him too, as she begs him to stay over and she has a laugh with him as well as being flirty at the same time. Jo: Do you like beer? Geof: Yes. Jo: Gin? Geof: Yes. Have you got some? Jo: No, but if I had, Id give it all to you. Id give everything I had to you. When Jo and Geof go to bed, Geof questions Jo about Jimmie. Geof: A black boy? Jo: From darkest Africa! A Prince. She exaggerates as though it was a dream, or a fairytale. Just before they go to bed, Jo laughs and tells Geof, Youre just like a big sister to me. A few months later, Jo and Geof are getting ready for the arrival of the baby and Geofs making a baby gown while Jo wanders about the room. It is not something that the audience would expect a man or brother to be doing. It would more likely be a sister. I think Jo is nervous because the birth is very near and she is restless. She is very excited when the baby kicks, and tells Geof. Jo always seems to flirt with Geof, playfully putting her arms around him, but when Geof is serious about him and Jo, she backs off. Geof: Let me kiss you. Jo: Let go of me. Leave me alone. I think this is where Jo becomes more mature and independent, as she knows what she wants. I think Ive had enough. Im sick of love. But then Jo realises that she cant really cope, that the baby is perhaps more than she can handle and her hormones are getting the better of her. Ill bash its brains out. Ill kill it. I dont want this baby, Geof. I dont want to be a mother. She realises that she wants Jimmie back, she misses him so much, and she wants the real father to her baby. Every Christmas Helen used to go off with some boyfriend or other and leave me all on my own in some sordid digs, but last Christmas I had him. Geof thinks he is only welcome in Jos flat until she finds her next Prince and in my opinion, Geof is hurt. When Helen comes to see Jo with Peter, Peter is prejudiced against Geof and calls him a fruit cake parcel. He is drunk and wants to go to the pub with Helen, and so he starts making his own fun by calling the flat Jo lives in, and calling Jo a slut. Jos attitude towards Geof towards the end of the play changes for the better. From the way they both talk to each other you can see they have both grown up. Jo is more open to Geof about her relationship with Helen. You know I used to try and hold my mothers hands but she always used to pull them away from me. She had so much love for everyone else but none for me. When Jo says that, it actually makes the audience feel sorry for her, and disgusted with Helen, because Jo didnt have a genuine mother figure. She also tells Geof about how Helen got pregnant with her. She tells him about how she was married to a Puritan, but wanted some fun so she had a frolic in a hay loft one afternoon with a daft man. This shows that she feels secure with Geof and more confident with him as she tells him everything that happened and wants him to feel sorry for her and to understand her because she didnt have a good childhood. Jo starts to value Geof, as she realises he cares more than Helen. At the end of the play, Helen tries to hint that she wants Geof to leave so she can move back in. she thinks she could look after Jo better than Geof, even after the months she has missed. There wouldnt be much room for two of us on the couch, would there? The only hint of love from Helen for Jo throughout the play is when Jo is having contractions and Helen strokes her hair, saying everything will be all right. This is the only time in the play when Helen is shown to be supportive of Jo. It shows Jo is independent and has matured, because when Helen doesnt know how to use the stove, Jo tells her, whereas this time last year, it was the other way around. When Geof leaves, and Helen finds out about the baby being black, she says shes going for a drink. This part reflects the beginning, when Helen abandons Jo at Christmas. Unfortunately just when Jo needs her mother the most, she leaves her yet again. When shes out the door, Jo leans against the doorpost, remembering the good times with Geof and smiling to herself, as she recites a rhyme that Geof taught her. This shows that she is now dependant on herself, and knows she can cope by herself, because she was left alone the year before, and knows she can do it again. Jos Taste Of Honey was when she met Jimmie, but in my opinion, I think her Taste Of Honey was the time she spent with Geof, because he taught her a lot of things in life, and throughout the play you can see how she has matured, and adopted a more serious attitude towards life.